The installation of hand sanitiser stations and perspex screens to support physical distancing were some of the many measures we implemented to help protect our people at work.
At Ingham’s, we are focused on developing our 8,000 people to grow value for the company and creating a culturally safe environment where they can thrive.
Our priority on the health, safety and wellbeing of our people enabled us to continue to provide our trusted products as an essential service provider despite the impacts of adverse weather, bushfires and the COVID‑19 pandemic this financial year.
We are proud of our people and their resilience during COVID‑19 as they adapted to embrace a dual Purpose to Nourish Our World and stop the spread of COVID‑19.
We reduced the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate by 45 per cent down to 3.8 and the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate down 63 per cent to 8.1. Our Safety for Life program underpinned this result, which, over the past two years, focused on increasing leader‑led walk‑and‑talks, and improving safety for high‑risk activities such as manual handling and on‑site traffic management.
Findings from our Engagement Survey in 2019, highlighted the opportunity for us to facilitate increased employee engagement and productivity through a tool that enabled more effective communications. With our newly introduced Workplace communications app, we significantly improved our ability to communicate during the pandemic, shared information on keeping safe and communicated the benefits we made available for people to support their wellbeing.
Providing our people with a high-performing, supportive and safe work environment and culture
Our culture is essential to fostering a high‑performing organisation. We have surveyed our people this year using Human Synergistics tools to benchmark and identify a clear pathway to achieving our ideal culture. Our ideal culture will engage and empower our people to make a positive difference and create more value in delivering our five‑year strategy.
During the year, we recognised International Women’s Day and National Reconciliation Week. We value and are committed to the equality, inclusion and diversity of our people and believe it enables us to achieve our Purpose to Nourish Our World.
We developed a framework for increasing training and development of our people in line with our five‑year strategic objectives. The first module – Grow – was piloted with our frontline leaders and is designed to foster a more engaged frontline workforce.
The development of our people includes a focus on aligning individual objectives to business outcomes, as well as collaboration across teams to contribute to the company’s strategy.
Our open, honest and collaborative Principles continue to guide the behaviours that enable our people to thrive and contribute to the company’s long‑term success.